Small pieces can easily be cut or broken off and dropped in aquarium. Within seconds organisms will thaw and enter into suspension allowing filter feeders and others to consume this highly nutritious feed in similar fashion to how reef organisms feed in their natural environment.
Especially suited to zooplankton feeders due to the size of the organism, 750-800 micron.
Can be used as a highly nutritious fry feed - does not require HUFA enrichment due to naturally high Omega 3 fatty acids
Also used as a nutritional supplement for adult fish
A product to increase the “input” in your Reef Aquarium. Many Corals need to consume animal matter as well as use symbiotic photosynthesis to attain proper growth and vigor. Zooplankton provides an important link in the food chain which may not be adequately present in most reef aquariums. Using phytoplankton supplements to feed resident zooplankton in Reef Aquariums can only support limited populations of these resident organisms with the nutritional value of these resident populations also suspect, due to the limited capacity of captive systems to provide adequate assimilable nutrients. Is there even enough “Real Estate” in a Reef Aquarium or Refugium to harbor healthy populations? Alternatively, using algae sourced phytoplankton supplements for direct feeding many corals can also be omitting important nutrients found in an animal based food source such as zooplankton.
New research indicates how much we didn’t know about feeding habits on Reefs. Click icon below for a link to an interesting article describing an underwater Reef research program aboard Aquarius, funded by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Another interesting article on coral feeding written by Ronald L. Shimek can be found here:
Freshwater & Marine Aquarium Magazine article about Clownfish Breeding and rearing with Cyclop-eeze.